Dentures in Cranberry Township, PA

Dentures are a popular solution for those who have lost teeth due to age, injury, or other reasons. They can help to restore the appearance of your smile and make eating and speaking easier. At Cranberry Advanced Dental Care, we offer both full and partial sets of dentures to meet the unique needs of our patients.


What Kind of Dentures Do I Need? 

Full Dentures

When considering dentures, there are several aspects to keep in mind. Full dentures replace all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw, while partial dentures only replace some of the teeth. Full dentures can be either conventional or immediate, with the former being placed after the gums have healed from tooth extraction and the latter being placed immediately after extraction.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a great option for those who still have some of their natural teeth remaining. They can be removable or fixed, with the latter being anchored to adjacent teeth with dental crowns. Partial dentures can also help to prevent your remaining teeth from shifting or becoming misaligned.

Tips for Patients with New Dentures

When getting dentures, it is important to keep in mind that they may take some time to get used to. You may experience some discomfort or difficulty speaking or eating initially, but with time and practice, these issues should resolve. It is also important to properly care for your dentures, cleaning them daily and avoiding certain foods that may damage them.

Why Choose Cranberry Advanced Dental Care? 

We are committed to providing our patients with high-quality dentures that look and feel natural. Contact us today to learn more about our denture options and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists.

Reach out team today to learn more about our full and partial Dentures:

(724) 776-4250 

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